Primary School Library Training Courses

Our school courses are packed with interactive learning which you can do at home. You can read through everything, reflect on your own experience, view slideshows of examples and build your display skills by putting book covers on virtual shelves. The tasks then involve trying out practical activities for different age-groups in school, supported by attractive print materials you can download. Use these fresh ideas to engage your students and establish the library at the heart of the school!

Courses are not time-limited so you can drop in and out as suits your circumstances.

Getting children talking about books

There’s no better way of getting the word out about a book than a group of readers talking to each other, spreading the news and creating a buzz. This course is full of inventive ways to capture and release this kind of excitement around books and reading in your school.

More details
  • Elementary schools
  • Personal feedback

Helping children choose independently

Choosing books isn’t easy at any age – what if it’s boring or too difficult or I just don’t like it? This course provides you with lots of different activities to build children’s confidence in an easy, active and enjoyable way.

More details
  • Elementary schools
  • Personal feedback

Give your library a facelift

Does your library or book corner look exciting and tempting? Making the activity of reading attractive starts with creating the right environment – and our course brings you tips from design professionals. Even the youngest children are familiar with retail-style product presentation so it’s worth developing your display skills to keep your books looking good!

More details
  • Elementary schools
  • Personal feedback

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