Understanding book appeal

Keeping up to date with stock knowledge can seem impossible within the time constraints of a modern library service. This course teaches how to analyse the marketing messages of book covers as a short cut to being able to offer readers exciting choices and relevant recommendations. Working across the whole stock offer, there are quick tools to check the range and balance of what’s on the shelves.

Was £95.00


GBP Prices displayed in GBP
For library assistants and librarians
3 hours online plus 4 hours applying learning in the library. Start and stop as you like.
Every learner receives individual feedback from an Opening the Book assessor to pass the course.


Taking time for the course
How to use the course
Learning from others
How your work is assessed

Part 1: How to broaden knowledge

Part 1: How to broaden knowledge
The starting point
A reader-centred approach
Exploring range
The power of the cover
Cover interest
Reading cover images
Analysing covers
Contemporary covers
Age appeal in children's books
Exploring children’s books

Part 2: Reading the experience

Part 2: Reading the experience
Using cover signals
Personal and professional
Analysing the appeal
Meet the books

Part 3: Ways into genre

Part 3: Ways into genre
The power of visual branding
Presenting a wider choice
Measuring range in genre
Exploring non-fiction
Narrative non-fiction
Range in non-fiction

Part 4: Investigation in practice

Part 4: Investigation in practice
Taking stock
Readers are a resource
Conversation is research
What will you discover?
Preparing the ground
Exploring online
Differentiating the audience
Age and gender identities
Different experiences
Making it visible
Visual links
Final task
Ask for your assessment


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Which course is right for me?

Contact Fiona Edwards on fiona@openingthebook.com.